Show Garden, Small Gardens
Back to Back Garden, contemporary garden, courtyard garden, Gold Medal Garden, Japanese garden influence, new build garden, private garden, RHS Tatton
About This Project

‘A View Within’ supporting Diabetes 16-25.  This garden is designed to reflect the aims and goals of Diabetes 16-25.  The action of connecting with each other through generational gardening activities, sharing experiences and sharing knowledge, develops skills and strengthens confidence.  These positive actions and effects reflect the aims of Diabetes 16-25, a new resource for young adults living with Type 1 Diabetes, T1D.

This garden is designed as a private reading corner, within an overlooked new build.  It is a place for nature to wash the senses…creating a sense of relaxation and well being.

It is a contemporary eclectic space which, brings together vintage style plants and acquisitions collected over the seasons, many inspired from anecdotes recounted from the designer’s memories of generational gardening.

Inspired by the purpose of a Japanese tea garden, the garden begins with ‘The Three Ages of Man’ stepping stone path. An analogy of generational gardening, it slows and guides the visitor to a quiet contemplative corner…a place to unwind with the evening light and the aromatic fragrance of crushed herbs.  The planting palette is natural with colours of burnt sugar intermingled with touches of violet blue.

The vintage style planting softens the low maintenance, high-end materials which, are used to create the crisp, contemporary hard landscaping.  Plants and acquisitions, mingle effortlessly within a new, much loved garden, as though ‘old friends’ recounting and sharing stories…nasturtiums from childhood gardens, herbs, foxgloves and hardy geraniums from grandparent’s gardens, a favourite tree gifted to celebrate a new home.

This garden provides privacy is relatively low maintenance and has space to grow herbs and vegetables.  If you feel that this is the garden for you, do contact us, we would love to hear about your project.

Gold Medal Award
RHS Tatton Show 2016 – Category Back to Back